Chest of Drawers Glass Top

Enhance your space with our modern Chest of Drawers glass top. This elegant 4mm clear toughened glass protective solution adds a touch of contemporary style to your living area and enhances practical use. Precision cut to size for durability and aesthetics.

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  • Please customise your  product and add to basket -  If you require larger sizes or specialist glass please get in touch. 

    *Width (mm)
    *Height (mm)

    Additional Processing

    Do you require additional processing E.G. Cut holes, Radius Corners , Drilled holes.

    Corner Effects

    *Corner radius
    *How many radius corners
    *Corner Locations

    Please describe where you want the corners

    Rounded Corners Drawing

    If you cannot clearly describe above, please upload a photo/drawing of the rounded corners (if required).

    • (max file size 16 MB)

    Holes In Glass

    *Cut-out shape

    Please select cut-out shape.

    *Cut-out Diameter

    Please input the Cut-out diameter in mm.

    *Cut-out position

    Please describe the Cut-out position

    *Cut-out Width (mm)

    Please input the square Cut-out width (mm)

    *Cut-out height (mm)

    Please input square Cut-out height (mm)

    *Cut-out Position

    Please describe the cut-out position.

    Cut out Drawing

    If you cannot clearly describe the Cut-out placement. Please upload a drawing or download our template and draw in your specification then upload it as a photo or pdf. (if required)

    Square / Circle Cut out Survey Example

    Window Survey Template

    • (max file size 16 MB)
    *Hole Size

    Enter your hole size (mm).

    *Number of holes

    How many drilled holes ?

    *Hole Locations

    Please describe the hole positions.

    Drilled Holes Drawing

    If you cannot clearly describe above, please upload a photo/drawing of the hole placements (if required). 

    • (max file size 16 MB)

    Reference or notes

    Please provide a reference if needed or any additional info.