Custom Triple Glazed Unit

Shape your ideal living space with Custom Triple Glazed Units. Our customer-facing product empowers you to design the perfect window solution, ensuring exceptional insulation and energy efficiency matched to your lifestyle.

Free Delivery Over £49.99

  • If you require larger sizes or specialist glass please get in touch.

    *Width (mm)
    *Height (mm)

    Sealed Unit Glass

    Sealed Unit Glass - A&E Glazing
    In this section please select the two panels of glass required.

    *Glass Side One

    Please select the glass you require on side one.

    Unable to Select this option.

    Please choose another selection. 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    *Middle Glass Pane

    Please select the glass you require in the middle.

    Unable to Select this option.

    Please choose another selection. 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    *Glass Side Two

    Please select the glass you require on side Two.

    Unable to Select this option.

    Please choose another selection. 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Please Select the Patterned glass you would like. For more information please Click Here

    Please note Patterns linearly up the width ( Unless Specified in description ) 

    Sealed Unit Cavity

    spacer bar - A&E Glazing
    A spacer bar in a window creates a gap between glass panes, promoting insulation and reducing heat transfer and creating the overall thickness of the unit.

    *Spacer Bar One Type
    *Spacer Bar Colour
    *Spacer Bar Colour
    *Spacer Bar Thickness
    *Spacer Bar Thickness
    *Spacer Bar Thickness

    *Spacer Bar Two Type
    *Spacer Bar Two Colour
    *Spacer Bar Two Colour
    *Spacer Bar Two Thickness
    *Spacer Bar Two Thickness
    *Spacer Bar Two Thickness
    Argon Gas Filled Cavity

    Argon Gas Filling
    Argon gas-filled cavity enhances window insulation by reducing heat transfer, improving energy efficiency, and reducing condensation

    Additional Processing

    Do you require additional processing E.G.  Georgian Bars, Duplex Bars, Leaded Windows or Holes Cut. 

    Additional Effects

    *Leaded Pattern

    Select the lead pattern style. 

    *Lead colour
    Colour of the lead.
    *Lead Thickness

    Width of the lead

    Soldered Joints

    Did you need the lead joins to be soldered?

    *Lead Drawing

    Please upload a detailed drawing or download our template and draw in your required specification using the example as a guide and then upload a photo or pdf of the file to the box below.

    Survey Example

    Window Survey Template

    • (max file size 16 MB)

    *Duplex Bar Type

    Select Duplex Type

    *Duplex Thickness

    Select Duplex Bar Thickness

    *Duplex Drawing

    Please upload a detailed drawing or download our template and draw in your required specification using the example as a guide and then upload a photo or pdf of the file to the box below.

    Survey Example

    Window Survey Template

    • (max file size 16 MB)
    *Georgian Bar Type

    Select Georgian Bar Type

    *Georgian Bar Thickness

    Select Georgian Bar Thickness

    *Georgian Bar Drawing

    Please upload a detailed drawing or download our template and draw in your required specification using the example as a guide and then upload a photo or pdf of the file to the box below.

    Survey Example

    Window Survey Template

    • (max file size 16 MB)

    Holes In Glass

    *Cut-out shape

    Please select cut-out shape.

    *Cut-out Diameter

    Please input the Cut-out diameter in mm.

    *Cut-out position

    Please describe the Cut-out position

    *Cut-out Width (mm)

    Please input the square Cut-out width (mm)

    *Cut-out height (mm)

    Please input square Cut-out height (mm)

    *Cut-out Position

    Please describe the cut-out position.

    Cut out Drawing

    If you cannot clearly describe the Cut-out placement. Please upload a drawing or download our template and draw in your specification then upload it as a photo or pdf. (if required)

    Square / Circle Cut out Survey Example

    Window Survey Template

    • (max file size 16 MB)

    Reference or notes

    Please provide a reference if needed or any additional info.